There was a time where I saw a graphic that had a red, white, and blue eagle painted it on it with the bottom of the eagle fading into the colors and that reminded me of getting Eagle Scout in Boy Scouts. The second connection I had was at the Nelson Atkins in their ancient cultures exhibit. Someone had submitted their own graphic to what the native american hunting sessions looked like, which made me think about my family because I have a little bit of native american heritage in my family. Third was a giant globe at the CNN center in Atlanta. The globe was just so massive and it had smooth parts with rugged countries on it. This made me realize that the world is a massive place with it's own rough spots and smooth patches. Finally, I was driving around Denver and I saw a graphic of the Rocky Mountains. This reminded me that I was finally home and that there is so much beauty in Colorado that you can't find anywhere else.
What is Graphic Design?