Wednesday, May 20, 2015

E9 Final

The Geowatch Review


Our Goal:

My groups overall goal of this project was to make a product that is useful in everyday life, innovative, cost efficient, and eco-friendly. This took us a lot of planning and and redesigning to finally get a product we were satisfied with. After scrapping a lot of our original ideas, we finally came up with the Geowatch. The actual creating of the product was a little difficult because we all had different opinions on what the watch would actually look like and it's base functions. As previously stated, we had to redo a lot of our initial designs because they didn't really fit our image too well, and the same goes for the packaging, which was a nightmare to finally put together. 

Personal Review:

Even with all the setbacks and restarts we had to do, I felt like I learned a lot from this project. For instance I learned how to make a better website and in faster time for an overall great finished product, as seen in Fig.1. The other thing that was very important for me to learn was how to make complex shapes in Google Sketch-up like spheres and rounded objects. Although the project was a success in my eyes, there are still a few things I could do better. These things include spending more time on the packaging, paying closer attention to detail, and better time management for the production of our video. Also there were times that I should have made more time to help out my group mates and take a break from what I was doing so I could help them with what they were doing. There are many things I would have changed in the way I did things, but there are also a list of things that I wouldn't change. Out of all the things I wouldn't change, the number one thing would be my work scheduling. It is very hard to work on two major aspects of the project at a time, and time management is a crucial step involved in the process. I felt like I was working really hard and did my best to stay organized and on task. Finally, I wouldn't change my approach to this product. My approach was to utilize as much of the resources that were available to me to create a product that was outstanding. It involved a lot of research and learning how to create complex shapes, as demonstrated in Fig.2. Overall I believe this was a very well put together project, that I benefited from, as well as learning how to work well with other people.


The Video:

Our commercial was a very tiring process and involved multiple reshoots to get that "just right" shot. The editing of the video was a very challenging task as I had to edit out background noise and trim the clips to make it run smoothly without a lot of jumping around. In the end, our group used Kierstyn's video because we though it was the best video at the time. Kierstyn and I worked the most on the actual filming, using Jared and Ben as the main actors, while putting ourselves into the video as well. I believe the commercial was a huge success and accurately portrayed what our product was.