Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Final for Web

In this quarter I did the video branch of E-Comm. In this branch we learned how to film a video properly, edit a video, what the 6 shots in the six shot sequence were, and how to work well with others. Learning how to make a proper video was a very critical part of this branch. Without knowing what you're doing can lead to some very bad videos and make your project look like trash. Also if you didn't use the six shot sequence, your video would have lots of jumps, skips, and just flat out look weird and confusing. Editing a video was almost as important as filming. You have to make sure that the clips flow smoothly, cut out unnecessary parts of clips, make sure the sound effects are fitting, and making sure it is the best quality it can be. Then if all that doesn't seem hard, then working with others will be a big shocker for you. I know what your thinking, "How hard can working with others be?" well it can be quite difficult at times, with people arguing, trying to set up shots, people being absent, etc. can make working with others stressful. On the other hand, working with others can be a fun and  rewarding process as you make new friends, and have fun in the whole process of making the video! Then after video you start web design. Web design was a fairly simple, thanks to some handy step by step instructions, but it still required you to think on your own. In other words, it was a learning experience that turned out to be really cool. We used the Adobe DreamWeaver software, which is really easy to use, and is quite fun to mess around with. Overall, this was a really fun, and interesting quarter. I learned new things, made new friends, and just had a blast, all while working on assignments that didn't really feel like assignments, but rather a fun learning experience.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Describe The Project: We learned how to set up and design a web page using Adobe DreamWeaver.

Was It Difficult?: The project was really easy. The step by step instructions were spot on, making it easy to create.

If so, what parts?: No parts were hard in this project.

Was it fun?: This project was really fun, I really enjoyed it.

What thoughts do you have about web design?: I think i is very interesting and fun. I would love to do this again.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Chase Scene

In this project I learned a lot of things. I learned how to set up shots to make a sequence of shots play out to look like one continuous clip. Next I learned how to set the camera in different places and heights to get better angles for my clips. Then I learned how to use my environment to my advantage with lighting and with using it for props. Finally I learned how to trim a video to the exact point I need it to be and how to make shots look like one continuous clip. I will apply my knowledge of working together with my group mates and using the environment in my next project. I say this because cooperation is crucial for any video to work and turn out looking good. Using the environment is important because lighting and certain props may be very important when trying to get a very good looking shot. Collaboration was slightly different in this one compared to the last project. In this project, collaboration was a huge part of it. Many shots needed to be discussed so that everyone agreed on what to film. Then we had to agree on where to shoot the clips and what type of lighting we needed. It was also very important to work to gather to make the filming go as smoothly as possible. Finally when props were needed for certain shots we all had to agree on what prop to use and how it was going to be used. I could help improve collaboration in my next project by changing a few things. I could help make sure that the group stays on task at all times. Next I could make sure that I am going along with everything as quickly and effectively as possible. Finally I can help to make sure that everyone is getting along and that we are working together.

Monday, November 17, 2014

A to B project

In this project I learned how to set up different camera angles to make it look like one continuous clip. Using this I was able to set many different shots to help progress the story and make it more interesting.
I will apply this knowledge of angles to my next project to make it more interesting by showing different angles to work with lighting and the environment, which would make for a more intriguing video. I will also use angles to help with certain aspects of lighting to make the main character(s) really stand out.
Collaboration was important because without it, the video would have to be redone multiple times, or you would have to redo multiple shots multiple times. Also many shots needed the co-operation of others because some shots might seem random or extreme, which requires full trust and collaboration. Finally collaboration is important in your environment. Many times we had to wait for a teacher or group of students to move before we could continue filming. Collaboration was needed because we needed to work out when it was ok for the people to move or when it was ok to start filming again.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Ecomm video

The six shots sequences are, extra wide shot which sets the scene and includes all of the person. The next shot is extra close up, which in this video, showed only the hands. The medium shot is a shot of the persons body. Close up is a shot of the persons face, with a reaction to something via facial expressions. The wide shot is a shot that gets the entire person, head to toe, but only shows the person and a little bit of the area that they are in. Over the shoulder shots involve putting the camera over the shoulder of the person, so you can see exactly what they are doing.

I learned how to import sound to my video, how to properly trim and paste video segments, and I learned how to combine clips to make a smooth transition.

I will apply how to import sound to my next project because to make a video interesting, you have to add sound effects.

Friday, October 24, 2014

E-Communications Video

In Final Cut Pro X I used a variety of tools. I mainly used the arrow tool so that I could select multiple clips and adjust them to fit the video requirements I needed. The arrow tool allowed me to insert transitions and to help me make sure my clip lengths where the right size. Another tool I used was the blade tool. This tool allowed me to cut my videos into two segments whenever I needed to. Finally I used the position tool to help allying my videos and audio, in a chronological order that made sense.
 I chose my hobby of making funny videos for a number of reasons. First off being the funny person that I am, I love watching funny videos. Whenever I get the chance my friends and I are making funny videos. I also love to make things so making my own funny video is an amazing experience. Finally I love videos that involve animals doing things that they aren't meant to do, which makes things so much more interesting and funny.